about linolady
I studied at Chelsea School of Art then spent three years at Brighton University to gain a Degree in Corporate Communication. After 10 years in London developing a career in design and creating kids, I returned to Brighton to run a design company, hrscreative.com
I joined Lawrences print club in Brighton in 2018 and found a renewed enjoyment in lino printing. Something to do with all that gouging, particularly cathartic!
Although the subject matter can vary, inevitably my love of plants and gardens find their way into most of my work. The subjects of my prints are mainly grown by me in my tiny Brighton garden.
about printmaking
What is an original print? The word ‘print’ is a very general term and can cover a variety of processes. An Original Print or Artist’s Print is an image created from a hand cut or uniquely produced source, such as printing blocks, or plates which are used to produce a limited number of prints. The number produced is determined by the artist, or by the actual printing process itself.
Relief printing is made by cutting the image into a flat surface to create areas of raised relief. Ink is then applied to the relief block with a roller and the ink is transferred to paper by using either a printing press or hand burnishing. Only the raised part of the block deposits the inked image onto the paper.
Colour prints can be made by masking out areas of a relief block, allowing one block to be inked in many different colours. Alternatively colour is built up one layer at a time, often by cutting a separate block for each colour and then carefully registering one block upon the other.
This relief printing technique involves cutting and printing every layer of colour from the same block of lino in order to build up an image. Unfortunately for me, mistakes cannot be rectified!
Linocut: the relief surface is cut into linoleum which is relatively soft and easy to cut with very sharp gouges and v shaped tools.
printmaking terms
Limited Edition : Traditionally original prints are named, signed and numbered along the bottom edge and produced in a limited number. This is one reason they are collectable. The number will appear in the left hand corner and will show the print number and the edition size, e.g 3/50 means this print is 3 of 50. There are other abbreviations that can appear in this corner:
U/P means unique print. Only one of this kind exists.
A/P means artist proof. Extra prints made by the artist whilst editioning a print or experimenting with colour and technique.